Camping Memories

Have you ever been camping?

Camping was such a wonderful, and less expensive way to travel when I was younger. In the 1970s I camped through Jasper National Park in early summer. With the chill of the Mountain air keeping us cold at night, we huddled around the campfire. During the days we were travelling from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, B.C. in a little $400 yellow Toyota. (I learned how to drive a standard in that car ) The mountain vistas were awesome in the truest sense of the word.

In the 1980s I went on two extensive journeys around the East Coast of Canada. The Maritimes are so beautiful and the campsites were so reasonable then. The Cabot and Clyde trails have many twists and turns with amazing views and there’s always Prince Edward Island’s rich red sand and soil. What beautiful beaches.

Today, camping has become more expensive and that’s so sad, as many middle to lower-income families will lose the opportunity for a reasonably affordable vacation. These camping days are filled with great memories of hot dog roasts and “smores” cooking over a fire, then some storytelling late at night just before bed! I treasure these memories, as being in 🍃nature🍃 exists to fill the soul. It is not a destination after all, it is our home.

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