Time Wasted

How do you waste the most time every day?

My day begins with coffee and Twitter. Coffee is a necessity as caffeine is the only thing I can take to help combat the chronic fatigue that plagues me. Twitter is an idle pleasure that consumes more of my day than it should. Social media has corrupted my sense of “friendship” ever since Covid drove us all into hiding. We no longer meet in person as almost everything is now conducted over Zoom. This has reinforced my social anxiety which skyrocketed after spending a year alone in the house where my son Matthew, took his own life. Although I have managed to attend Church in person now, I still find social gatherings difficult. In essence, Twitter has become my space for “friendships” and real friendship has paid the price.

I also can spend a substantial amount of time reading or listening to articles from the Washington Post. My appetite for political news and global news is voracious and though it is good to be well-informed I may spend a bit too much time worrying about events that I have no control over.

I spend very little time watching television but when I do, it takes me a long time to find anything suitable to view. By that time, it’s typically too late to watch. Recently I have been watching “The Chosen” about the life of Christ which is not a waste of time. Available on the app of the same name, it is free to stream and is now in its 4th season.

So wasting time when I could be weaving, is definitely annoying! I also need to work on reconnecting with friends in the physical realm. Time is precious, and I have less time left on this planet than I have spent so far! This is a point well taken. Check ✅

6 responses to “Time Wasted”

  1. marcelinovega Avatar

    Covid and all it’s repercussions has changed our society. Sadly, it seems to have brought us all, into a colder, meaner and disillusionned era, ridden with mental illness. Let me emphasize the word sadly.

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    1. Yes, Marcelino, it is so sad. The “meaner” part seems to be particularly strong in the political atmosphere of the United States at the moment which hopefully will be rectified after the November election. ❤️


  2. I love The Chosen! I can relate to social anxiety skyrocketing while sequestered at home. I am just now exercising my social muscles as I navigate my new job out in the world again. It is painful, but you know what they say…No pain, no gain.

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    1. I hope that your new job is opening up a whole new world for you. It will take time to “exercise” those emotional muscles, but I’m certain that you’ll do well. There’s so much to be gained by socializing, but it’s tough going at the start, isn’t it?

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      1. Yes, and all of my coworkers are so young! My supervisor is 23 years old! I feel like an old lady.

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      2. 😆🤣Oh my goodness, Heather!! That’s funny!! You’ll bring so much wisdom to the table though, and a spiritual connection that they may never have been exposed to. I sense that God has brought you to this place for his special purpose of witnessing his love in action.

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