Second Born

Describe one of your favourite moments.

One of my favourite moments was having my second-born son. Having any child is a momentous occasion, but this birth was exceptionally sweet coming just three years after the birth of my first son, who I had to place up for adoption as I was just seventeen years old and had nothing to offer him but a mother’s undying love. This baby would be mine and my husband’s.

I didn’t even believe that I was in “real labour” as my first experience was of a breech birth and eighteen long hours of excruciating, unproductive, hellish pain. This time I experienced some mild discomfort and thought that possibly I should go to the hospital just to get checked out before my husband left for work.

I explained all this to the nurses when I arrived but they insisted on examining me and much to my surprise they exclaimed that I was actually already eight centimetres dilated, so I was in advanced labour!

It took me only 1 hour in the labour room until I was ready to deliver and there was no time to move me to a delivery room. My obstetrician rushed in at the last minute in her street clothes covered in a gown, just in time to catch little Paul! She laid him on my chest, all sweet and red, bawling healthily until he touched my bare skin and settled right down.

“You are mine forever” I remember whispering to his wet little head! I felt so content and so very blessed to finally be the mother that I had always wanted to be.

This was the beginning of a very special journey of Motherhood that I would repeat two more times in my life. All four of them were boys. Two are still mine and now two are gone.

I cherish all these moments as only a mother can. A mother’s love knows no boundaries, no limitations, and no conditions. It continues even when it has nowhere left to go.

One response to “Second Born”

  1. So beautiful! Childbirth is a miracle and there is nothing like holding your baby for the first time.

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